Our Mission

Smith County Clubhouse empowers adults with mental illness to shape their own recovery process, be part of real-world Clubhouse work activities, develop friendships, and experience a better quality of life.

Our Vision

Smith County Clubhouse is based on the International Clubhouse model - an evidence-based program used worldwide to help adults living with mental illness become less isolated & develop skills to reach their social, educational & employment goals. The focus is healing through recovery. Recovery is not just reducing symptoms: it is the return to a full & meaningful life. Smith County Clubhouse strives to provide Members with opportunities for meaningful work within a work-ordered day, peer support, and skills development for real-world employment.

Our Method

Smith County Clubhouse provides a holistic approach to recovery, addressing its 3 components: the 3 Ps - People (relationships), Place (belonging) & Purpose (reason for being) - by creating an "intentional community" of members & staff that support one another & share activities. Clubhouse participants are members, not "patients" or "cases." Clubhouses are organized as support systems. They do not provide treatment, therapy or medications. Instead, they provide opportunities for personal growth & community connection based on a work order day. Intentional and meaningful work.